Praize Kraze® is a Christ-centered group fitness class that combines aerobics, toning and cardio. For 45 minutes to an hour, you will dance, worship, clap, praise and sing while you tone and sweat to music by traditional and contemporary Christian artists! Expect an excellent workout MINUS the secular undertones, suggestive movements and questionable lyrics found in some some popular group fitness classes today.
Whether you experience Praize Kraze® as a participant or choose to be a licensed instructor, you are in for a DIVINE (and pretty sweaty) treat!
Renew your MIND - Exercise your BODY - Nourish your SOUL!!
Praize Kraze is not group fitness "as usual" - - - from warm up to cool down, 100% of the music edifies God!
You DO have a choice! You CAN exercise and celebrate Christ at the same time!
Our instructors have a heart for worship, a sensitivity towards God's people and a desire to encourage others! NO PRIOR GROUP FITNESS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! God uses ordinary people JUST LIKE YOU to do EXTRAORDINARY things! He will take what you have and turn it into what He needs!
Praize Kraze® is:
Perfect for churches who desire a Christ-centered group fitness class TOTALLY free of secular undertones and questionable lyrics. If we don't have an instructor in your area, contact us to license someone in your congregation!
The answer for YMCAs and fitness centers who want to supplement their group fitness class offerings and meet the demand for class variety in theme, music and focus! There are no facility fees. Our instructors carry the license and can teach anywhere and everywhere. Contact us for a free no-obligation demo!
An excellent addition to women's conferences, vacation bible schools, festivals and fundraisers!
Well-suited for current (and aspiring) fitness instructors with a desire to express their faith and facilitate a Christ-centered group fitness class that encourages hearts and lifts souls. You do not have to choose. You can still teach Praize Kraze® along with your other classes!
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
[1 Corinthians 6:19:20]
THE Christ-Centered Alternative!