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Here I am, Lord. Send me.....

Here I am, Lord. Send me.....

From The Heart of the Founder (Precious Quire-McCloud)


All over the world, there are men and women crumbling under the pressures of life.  This includes the body of Christ.  It is vitally important that we hold fast to our faith and not only be unwavering in our commitment to serve the Lord, but be ever mindful about what that commitment requires of us.  It is important to maintain a network of support that will help us on our Christian journey and act as regulators when we struggle to connect with the truth we are assured in God's word. 


The wonderful thing about being a Christ-follower is that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you are never separated from His call upon your life.  Answering that call gives your life purpose.  Obeying Him adds direction to that purpose.  That, my friends is good news! Everyone has a proverbial story to tell about a series of events that brought them to where they are in their lives.  My "story" began in 1999 when God planted a seed within me to be a catalyst for positive and practical life changes in the lives of others and to enthusiastically demonstrate that His JOY is not this thing that only others experience.  Joy is ours and we can claim it with confidence...declaring, decreeing and believing for all that is according to His will for us.  His mandate  for me resulted in UBU (pronounced you-be-you), an initiative I created to promote authentic and harmonious living.  After 15 years, UBU was rebranded as "Preserve Your Happy".  Feel free to visit the resource website ( or follow the page on Facebook.

Making the connection . . .

For a little over a decade, I'd been invited to speak at conferences, to mentor youth and have given of my time and resources to help women develop from the inside.  I was a collegiate Track & Field athlete and since graduating college in 1995, I had very little desire for ANY intentional exercise [insert shamed expression here].  My love for encouraging the hearts of women came full circle on a random Saturday during the summer of 2011 - when I ventured into my first Zumba class.  Amidst the loud music and all that was swirling around me, it became very clear that I was to combine my passion for women with my passion for dance and movement - and Zumba was going to be the vehicle.  Or so I thought...

I went home and registered for the next licensing class and 2 months later, I was a licensed Zumba instructor.  I started teaching my classes, but quickly realized I wasn't fulfilled.  

I hear you, Lord.  See, what God did, in His infinite wisdom, was used Zumba to get me off the couch and excited about fitness again after 15 years! Zumba was the connection.

When Faith Meets Fitness.jpg

Prayer circle at the first Praize Kraze class.  Over 85 participants.  

I enjoyed teaching Zumba, but I struggled to fully connect with the "spirit" of it.  I also found the instructor environment to be unnecessarily territorial, cliquish and non-collaborative.  Yes, it's fun, lively and energetic, but I always felt something was missing and I wasn't comfortable compromising any of the things that were important to me.  I made tweaks to align with Zumba's rules. I translated songs to make sure I wasn't playing anything questionable or degrading.  Still, I wondered why all of this tweaking had to be necessary for me to align with someone else's vision.  

"Offer more of Me...Show them the Me you see". 

The Holy Spirit whispered this to me while I was struggling, yet again, to come up with a Zumba playlist that I felt would truly connect with my class attendees. The testimony of my adult life is continually strengthened because of the miracles I've seen on the other side of my obedience to Christ.  I know that doesn't sound fancy, but it's true.  Simply choosing to obey God --- the willful act of saying "yes" to Him --- changed my life and enriches me daily.  Praize Kraze® is the result of my "yes" to God's command to offer more of Him and provide an exercise class that glorifies Him.  The compromise (as I'd known it with Zumba) was over! Praize Kraze® is my heart's outcry for more.  More in terms of what I give, what I expect and what I know God desires of and for me.


Sooooo0...what is Praize Kraze!

Praize Kraze® is a high-energy and fun workout!  Participants can expect to burn calories, sweat and transform their bodies without having to endure secular lyrics and suggestive innuendo.  I want to offer every person who attends a Praize Kraze® class more than caloric burn or the promise of a beautiful, sculpted and toned outward appearance.  Praize Kraze® is powerful, transformative and divinely positioned for such a time as this.   Participants leave with something that will stay with them when the music ends, reach to the core of their spirit and refresh itself until this dynamic class meets again.  It's called hope. Hope despite current circumstances, hope beyond doubt and hope that believes in ALL things. 

If you are a current or aspiring fitness instructor and have felt the tug to lead a Christ-centered fitness class, I assure you, you are not here by accident.  Don't give in to any doubt about your abilities or fear of the unknown.  The One who started the work within you will equip and fortify you!  He will take what you have and turn it into what He needs!  I love that there are churches, recreation centers and fitness instructors all over the country who now have a Christ-centered alternative for group fitness exercise classes. 

Thank you for taking a few moments of your time to learn about Praize Kraze.  Maybe you've attended a class, are considering attending one or have an interest is becoming a Licensed Praize Kraze™ instructor.  No matter what brought you here today, I thank God for you.  May all that God has purposed your life's journey bring you peace, contentment and joy - always!  And may all of those things multiply so that you can be a blessing to someone else. 

In the vineyard,


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